Greenkub: +17% conversions on a Lead Gen page

eCommerce Experimentation Landing Page Lead Generation
Conversion Rate Uplift
Incremental Leads Generated
Generated Variants

Greenkub is a French company specializing in the design and manufacture of garden studios, garden offices, Tiny Houses, garden houses and wooden leisure spaces. Their products offer solutions for expanding living space without requiring building permits, with sizes ranging from 11 to 50 square meters. They emphasize the ecological aspect of their constructions, using recycled materials and ecological foundations. helped us generate 800 additional leads on our landing pages in just one month. Congratulations to the team!

Jessy Steeg
Jessy Steeg
Marketing Strategy Consultant

One of Greenkub's acquisition strategies consists of targeted advertising on different media (mainly Facebook and Google). Prospects are then redirected to a page prompting them to fill out a form to obtain a quote.

Greenkub asked us to improve conversions on this page, which receives nearly 100,000 unique sessions per month. Here are the results of the changes we made:

greenkub_landing_page_before_webyn Before Webyn

greenkub_landing_page_after_webyn.png After Webyn

Greenkub trusted us to improve conversions on their landing page. They directly installed the Wordpress plugin and were surprised by the simplicity of setting up the experiments.

We then planned a test plan to maximize the performance of more than ten parameters that we monitored every week, such as:

  • The different formulations and messages on the page (Title, Subtitle, CTA, ...);
  • The different layouts of elements (CTA, Hero, TrustPilot Reviews);
  • Different background images of the Hero;
  • Different colors for CTAs;
  • Different TypeForm forums (to find out which one was the most efficient).
  • These different changes, representing around 50 tested values and more than 250,000 different variations of the same page, made it possible to clarify the message and simplify the user journey. This allowed us to generate 497 incremental perspectives (compared to the initial version).

This allowed Greenkub to decrease his acquisition hit, and therefore slightly increase his volume. Results: +800 contacts generated compared to the previous month.


Delighted with the start of our collaboration, Greenkub is today challenging Webyn on the personalization aspects: displaying the right content to the right person based on their information: device (mobile/desktop, iOS/Android), source of acquisition (Facebook, Google, ...), location.

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