How does Nitroserv improve its conversions and average basket through personalization?

Service B2C Experimentation Personalization
Conversion Uplift
Generated variants
Average Basket Uplift


Nitroserv, a specialist in hosting game servers, had three major challenges:

  • Analyze and understand the behavior of its users;
  • Improve conversion on your website;
  • Improve your average basket.

Webyn has obviously taken up this challenge, introducing improvements aimed at improving the message and the experience delivered to site visitors, particularly in personalization.

I'm excited to share my positive experience with Webyn, revealing their ability to optimize site conversion while providing a personalized and enhanced visitor experience.

Guillaume Lafranceschina
Guillaume Lafranceschina
CEO, Nitroserv

Solutions Provided

The power of personalized wording

The choice of words, or “wording”, constitutes a key element of the conversion rate optimization (CRO) of a website. Wording encompasses all the terms, phrases and messages used to communicate with visitors. Its impact goes beyond linguistic aesthetics, directly influencing users' perception, understanding and reactions to the information presented. Beyond wording, it is also a real challenge to display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Each visitor is unique. We are not all sensitive to the same argument. With Webyn, Nitroserv was able to personalize its presentation to display the most engaging message for each of its visitors.


Highlighting one offer over another can significantly influence visitor behavior. This approach, also called “highlighting”, consists of highlighting a specific offer, product or service to capture the attention of visitors. Personalization comes into play here, as identifying the target audience's preferred offerings allows for more specific tailoring of content. Thanks to these customizations, we were able to increase the average basket of the Minecraft server rental page by 13%


Concrete Results

The results obtained were remarkable. By highlighting the preferred offer in a personalized way, Nitroserv recorded a significant increase of +32% in uplift on the conversion rate. This personalization helped align offers with the specific expectations of the target audience, encouraging more visitors to opt for this option.

The increased valuation of processors proved even more successful, generating a +40% uplift on the conversion rate. Highlighting technical aspects in a personalized way strengthened the credibility and trust of visitors, encouraging them to complete their purchase. These results attest to the effectiveness of the collaboration between Nitroserv and Webyn in significantly improving the conversion rate while integrating personalization elements for an optimal user experience.


Overall, we noted a 22% increase in the conversion rate over the first two months as well as a 13% increase in the average basket thanks to the promotion of the right offer based on the visitor's profile.

So don’t undermine yourself anymore and craft a better conversion with Webyn ⛏️💰

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