LesMiniMondes: +102% improvement in adding to cart on a product page

eCommerce DNVB Experimentation Product Page Add to basket
Add-to-Basket Rate Uplift
Incremental Product added-to-basket


LesMiniMondes.fr is a renowned company dedicated to creating content for children, with the mission of providing educational and positive experiences through its magazine and products. Their challenge was to improve user engagement and drive more conversions on their magazine subscription product page, particularly the “Add to Cart” action. They sought expertise in converting Webyn AI-based solutions to achieve these goals.


The Problem

LesMiniMondes wanted to increase the number of products added to the basket on their website to boost sales and subscriptions. The subscription process was confusing and the product page was unintuitive for their primary target: parents. Their existing strategies were failing to generate substantial results.


LesMiniMondes partnered with an AI-based solution, Webyn.ai, to optimize the product page of their magazine subscription. Leveraging our tools, they conducted a comprehensive experiment involving a total of 12 experiment settings, leading to 47 different variations of the product page. The main areas of experimentation included:

  1. The message and content: test different titles, product descriptions and CTAs to identify the most compelling message for each user.
  2. Layouts and Elements: Experiment with the arrangement of elements on the page, including placement of CTAs and accordions to shrink the size of descriptions.
  3. Visuals: Testing different product images and videos to find the most engaging one for each visitor.
  4. CTA Colors: Try different colors for call-to-action buttons, automatically borrowing colors from their palette.
  5. Form variations: Experiment with different form layouts to determine the most effective subscription journey.


Webyn.ai provided MiniWorlds with a WordPress plugin, simplifying the configuration and management of experiments. This plugin, installed in a few minutes, allowed us to analyze Web and Mobile user behavior to detect points of friction in the purchasing journey and to apply our recommendations directly on their site.


The efforts yielded impressive results:

  • +102% Add to cart: LesMiniMondes experienced a remarkable increase in the number of subscriptions added to the cart (628 incremental additions to the cart), marking an improvement of 102%.
  • 132 additional subscriptions sold: The optimized product page also contributed to a considerable increase in subscription sales.
  • ROI 25x: LesMiniMondes achieved an exceptional return on investment of 25x, demonstrating the effectiveness of the AI-based solution.
  • +8 million pages generated: Throughout the experiment, more than 8 million variations of unique pages were generated, including 47 variations across 12 parameters, leading to a comprehensive dataset for analysis.



The collaboration between LesMiniMondes and Webyn.ai demonstrated the transformative potential of AI in optimizing e-commerce experiences. By testing multiple variables and continuously monitoring user interactions, LesMiniMondes achieved a remarkable +102% increase in add to cart actions, significantly increasing their conversions, revenue and subscription sales. This case study highlights the power of data-driven decision making and the impact of AI on improving user engagement and business success.

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