Léo et Violette: Small changes but big impacts on a product page

eCommerce DNVB Experimentation Product Page Add to basket
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Léo & Violette, a renowned brand in the luxury leather goods industry, was looking to improve the user experience of its website in order to optimize the conversion rate , without impacting its brand image. In collaboration with Webyn, significant changes were made to maximize the impact of the site.


Implemented solutions

Webyn was able to analyze the behavior of visitors to the Léo et Violette site to detect points of friction, particularly on product pages. Armed with this analysis, Webyn made small, high-impact changes to maximize the online shopping experience. Here are three examples of small, high-impact changes that we have been able to implement.

Sticky Button

  • A sticky button has been added to the bottom of the page, allowing users to quickly access the purchasing process.
  • The objective was to facilitate the transition to purchase, reducing the time needed to reach the purchase button.

Foreground video on product page

  • Product video gives customers an immersive visual experience from the moment they land on the page.
  • The idea was to capture users' attention from the start of their interaction with the product.

Carousel collapse on home page

  • The carousel on the homepage has been adjusted to present featured products in a more attractive way.
  • The aim was to create a positive first impression and encourage users to explore the catalog further.


The results of the UX/UI changes have been extremely positive:

  • Sticky Button, the addition of the sticky button resulted in a significant uplift of +27% in the conversion rate.
  • Video in the foreground on the product page, the presence of the video at the top of the product page contributed to an increase of +9% in the conversion rate.
  • Modifying the carousel on the home page, modifying the carousel generated a notable uplift of +25%.

Successful optimization of the UX/UI using small changes has not only improved the overall user experience on the Léo & Violette website but has also had a significant impact on business performance, with conversion sharply increasing. These successes demonstrate the critical importance of investing in CRO optimization, through small, personalized, high-impact changes, to drive growth and customer satisfaction.

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